
Safety & Risk Management

Minimizing risk and protecting your important assets.

Being a true partner means that we care about protecting the assets and earning ability of our business clients.

Our goal is to create a customized and proactive risk management plan designed to specifically reduce the frequency and severity of claims, prevent accidents and injuries, and reduce the total cost of risk and insurance over time. Such efforts will improve an organization’s safety, contribute to a healthy and productive workforce, and ultimately permeate the culture of the organization. We have dedicated safety and risk management advisors that help our clients with the development and maintenance of their risk management programs.

Our collection of methods used to identify and address the underlying causes of loss incorporates a variety of components, which collectively comprises our unique approach toward the risk management process.

Our services include:

  • Risk Assessment Survey
  • Contractual Risk Review
  • OSHA Compliance Training
  • Incident Investigation Procedures
  • Experience Modification Analysis
  • Development & Implementation
  • Safety Committee Meetings
  • DOT Fleet Safety Program
  • Fleet Safety Programs
  • Contingency Planning
  • Return-To-Work Program
  • Drug & Alcohol Screenings
  • Pre-Employment Physicals
  • Safety Training
  • Written Safety Manual
  • Sexual Harassment Prevention Training